Technical Assistance Provider to the OVW Abuse in Later Life Grant Program

Individuals who are 50 years of age or older who are victims of abuse, neglect, and exploitation – including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking – face unique barriers to receiving assistance. Recognizing this, Congress created the Enhanced Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program (“Abuse in Later Life program”).

Administered by the Office on Violence Against Women, this grant program creates a unique opportunity for providing or enhancing training and services to address elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, involving victims who are 50 years of age or older.

NCALL has provided technical assistance and training to OVW Abuse in Later Life grantees since 2002.

More information:

Abuse in Later Life National Resource Center

NCALL provides comprehensive technical assistance, training, and consultation on abuse in later life through:

  •  innovative information and resources addressing the nexus of elder abuse, domestic violence, and sexual assault;
  •  resources aimed at increasing  the capacity of professionals who work with older survivors of abuse  and helping them understand the unique barriers that older victims face;
  • addressing gaps in various professionals’ understanding of and responses to abuse in later life, including older victims who need legal assistance.

Visit our Resources page to learn more.  If you would like to connect with our staff, please contact us today.


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Our Mission
NCALL is committed to creating a world that respects the dignity of older adults and enhances the safety and quality of life of older victims and survivors of abuse.
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