Focus on Domestic Violence in Later Life

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) is here! We all have the right to age with safety and dignity, yet age does not safeguard against domestic violence. To learn more about how domestic violence affects older survivors, we invite you to check out our resource, Domestic Violence Across the Lifespan: Supporting Older Survivors. Also, be sure to visit our YouTube channel, which includes a video overview of Intimate Partner Violence in Later Life and the personal stories of three intimate partner survivors Donna, Mary Lou, and Tammy.

New Resource—Age-Inclusive Advocacy: Expanding Services and Awareness for Older DV Survivors

Domestic violence programs have an important role to play in responding to the needs of older victims, who are often underserved in traditional service models. In recognition of DVAM, NCALL created a new resource, Age-Inclusive Advocacy: Expanding Services and Awareness for Older DV Survivors. Inside you’ll find five considerations for enhancing your services for older survivors; five tips for inclusive outreach to older survivors; and five strategies for including older survivors in your DVAM campaign. Please check it out and share with your colleagues and networks!

New Blog—Centering Older Adults

NCALL Victim Services Coordinator, Victoria Ferguson-Young, was invited to write a blog for the Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP). In it, she reflects on the DVAM theme, Heal, Hold and Center and offers why it is imperative for advocates and agencies to center the rapidly growing older adult population. “I’m asking each of you to continue the work of creating healing services, holding safe places, and centering the voices, needs, and experiences of survivors across the lifespan – and I implore you to build on that by thinking carefully about older adults.” Stay tuned to the DVAP Awareness Blog page to find Victoria’s blog post and other important blogs throughout the month of October. And be sure to check out the Heal, Hold & Center Reflection Guide and campaign marketing materials.

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