Abuse in Later Life on the Radar: Funding a Collaborative Approach for the Support of Older SurvivorsWhen Date: June 20, 2023 Martie Washington, Abuse in Later Life Program Coordinator at the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL), Shelly Carlson, Multidisciplinary Teams Projects Manager at the Minnesota Elder Justice Center, and Krista L. Martinez, Chief Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney at the Office of the Norfolk Virginia Commonwealth’s Attorney. Overview In commemoration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, NCALL is offering a webinar to raise the visibility of abuse in later life and share information about a federal grant program to support local communities in addressing it. Abuse in later life refers to the intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse, neglect and exploitation of adults who are 50 years of age and older. While severely underreported, abuse in later life has a significant impact on an older adult’s health and well-being. The Office on Violence Against Women’s Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program supports a comprehensive approach to addressing abuse in later life. The program increases the capacity of communities across the country to support victim safety and improve offender accountability with the recognition that intentional collaboration between multidisciplinary partners is necessary to provide the most effective services as well as support healing and justice to older survivors. About the Webinar This webinar is created for multidisciplinary professionals interested in learning more about abuse in later life and OVW’s Training and Services to End Abuse in Later Life Program grant program. Attendees of this webinar will be able to define abuse in later life, understand the potential value and benefits of applying for an OVW Abuse in Later Life grant as well as the various components of this grant program, and locate resources available for addressing abuse in later life in their community. In addition to hearing from NCALL, the technical assistance provider for the OVW Abuse in Later Life program, attendees will hear from Abuse in Later Life grantees who will share how they implemented this program and the impact it has had in their community. Time will be set aside for attendees to ask questions of the presenters. Secure your spot today and make plans to join us June 20, 2023. Please note: Registration will close May 30. Questions? Contact Anna Cash at acash@ncall.us. |