NO MORE Week is a time each year in early March when NO MORE and its allies highlight the importance of stopping and preventing violence through special events, activities, and promotions. This year, NO MORE Week will be held March 7-13, overlapping with International Women’s Day on March 8. As the COVID-19 pandemic has caused increases in domestic and sexual violence across the globe, the message, together we can end domestic violence and sexual assault, is incredibly timely and important. We invite you to join us in making this year’s NO MORE Week the most impactful yet.
Virtual 5k Race
The first-ever NO MORE Week Virtual 5k race is a fun way to get in your steps and make a difference to help
stop domestic and sexual violence at the same time. And it’s a way to make our voices heard in all our communities, but still follow safety guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual race can be completed anywhere, any time from March 7th to 13th. Running or walking, on a track or on the treadmill, all at once or over the course of the week—participants can complete their 5k in the way that’s right for them.
Register by March 1 at and receive a free NO MORE t-shirt to wear while you compete.
To learn more about NO MORE Week and find campaign materials and resources, visit: